Monthly Parking Space at 425 Avenue Road

Toronto, Ontario

About this Space
Access Device:
Electronic FOB or Card - deposit required
Compact car or sedan only. No SUV
Minimum Term:
3 months
No spots available. 
What's Included
WhereiPark’s Money-Back Guarantee

If the space’s size, location or description doesn’t match what you paid for, we’ll give you your money back.
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This location requires that you provide them with 30 days cancellation notice. This can be done by logging into your WhereiPark account and selecting an end date.

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For every parking space booked with WhereiPark, we’ll plant one tree with One Tree Planted.

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All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meaning as set out in the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

  1. You will pay $207.79 plus tax of $15.60 every month for use of this parking space. You authorize monthly billing including, where applicable, billing on the credit card used to reserve this parking space. Additionally, you authorize the Access Device Deposit and Security Deposit or fee to be charged to your credit card at the time your booking is approved. Where applicable and while your registered guest parking space account is in good standing, when you provide requisite notice of termination i) the Access Device deposit will be refunded to the credit card after the device(s) is returned in working order and ii) your Security Deposit will be used as your last month's rent for the parking space upon notice. Failure to return the access device within 5 business days and in good working order will result in the forfeiture of your access device deposit.
  2. The minimum number of rental months (minimum rental period) for this spot is 3 (the "Minimum Term").
  3. The Landlord represents and warrants that they have the authority to lease out this parking space to registered guests.
  4. The Landlord assumes no responsibility for any damage to person or property arising out of this rental.
  5. The Landlord and WhereiPark reserve the right to make changes to the price of the rental and will provide you with at least 30 days notice of any such change. In the event of a price change the Minimum Term shall be reduced such that you are not obligated to keep your rental after the new price has taken effect.
  6. This rental cannot be sublet, assigned or transferred. The person renting the parking space must be the same person registered to the account that books the spot as this person will be a registered guest of the property.
  7. You agree to maintain in good standing insurance, that is compliant with the jurisdiction in which the parking listing is located, for the vehicle(s) that uses parking in connection with this Parking Contract.
  8. Extended storage of vehicles is not permitted. Vehicles left in the facility for longer than two weeks without being moved shall be considered abandoned and shall be subject to ticketing or removal.
  9. Aside from the minimum rental period (as noted above), either party may terminate this agreement at any time by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that your use of the parking space at the building represents a security concern, in the sole discretion of the Landlord, you waive the thirty (30) day notice period and your parking space can be terminated with immediate effect.
  10. You waive and covenant not to assert any claims or allegations of any nature whatsoever against WhereiPark, its affiliates, its partners, or their respective directors, officers, employees or agents (collectively, the "WhereiPark Parties") arising out of or in any way relating to your use of this parking space, the Site, the Services, the Content or the materials contained in or accessible through the Site. Furthermore, WhereiPark shall not be responsible for injury, theft, vandalism, weather related damage, damage resulting from a third party, acts of god that damages or impairs property and/or gives rise to liability.
  11. You give SafelyStay Inc. permission to perform due diligence on your party including criminal background checks associated with the approval process for registered guests. SafelyStay Inc.'s Terms of Service are available here.
  12. The WhereiPark Parties are not responsible for any injuries, illnesses, damages, claims, liabilities and costs suffered by or in respect of your use of this parking space.
  13. You voluntarily release the WhereiPark Parties from any claims, demands or causes of action of every kind and nature, including without limitation relating to injury or damage to property, which are in any way connected to your rental and/or use of this parking space. If, despite these terms, it is found that the WhereiPark Parties (or any of them) are liable for any damages whatsoever, then such liability shall be limited to the value of WhereiPark’s comprehensive general liability insurance coverage.

Schedule A: Additional Terms
a. The Customer agrees to accept any parking space designated by Where I Park or the Owner from time to time and further agrees to use the said parking space for the purpose of automobile parking only, and to pay for the space at the said rate.

b. The Customer further agrees, if required by Where I Park or the Owner, to affix an identification sticker or decal in a position designated by Where I Park or the Owner on each automobile parked pursuant to this agreement, such sticker or decal to be supplied by Where I Park or the Owner.

c. It is understood and agreed that neither Where I Park nor the Owner nor any of their servants and agents, nor anyone for whom Where I Park or the Owner may in law be responsible, shall be responsible for any damage which may occur to the Customer's automobile(s) by any means whatsoever, including damage or loss by fire, theft, and/or gross negligence. Further, it is understood and agreed that neither Where I Park nor the Owner, nor any of their servants and agents, nor anyone for whom Where I Park or the Owner may in law be responsible shall be liable to the Customer or any person accompanying the Customer for injury or death suffered by the Customer or such other person while in the parking facilities which may occur by any means whatsoever including the gross negligence of Where I Park or the Owner.

d. The Customer agrees that she/he will use the space allotted for parking only and will not wash, polish or repair her/his automobile(s) in the parking facilities, nor use the parking space for storage. The Customer further agrees not to obstruct the exits and the entrances to the parking facilities.

For every parking space booked with WhereiPark, we’ll plant one tree with One Tree Planted.

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425 Avenue Road
425 Avenue Road, Toronto
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