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Find monthly parking near Fairmount

Fairmount is a neighborhood within the Greater Center City District of the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its boundaries are north of Spring Garden Street, west of Broad Street, south of Girard Avenue and east of The Schuylkill River. While this may be the most common demarcation, the area's boundaries fluctuate depending on how you define the neighborhood. Several subdivisions exist within and near these boundaries including: Spring Garden, Franklintown and Francisville. Also, Fairmount is sometimes referred to as the "Art Museum Area," for its proximity to and association with the Art Museum. The name "Fairmount" derives from the prominent hill on which the Philadelphia Museum of Art now sits and where William Penn intended to build his manor house. Later, the name was applied to the street originally called Hickory Lane that runs from the foot of Fairmount hill through the heart of the neighborhood. - source: Wikipedia

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